Alright, here come the handy, creative ideas I found over the years. Maybe they can be of use to you?!!

Every family member, the small ones together, gets a firm laundry bag, with a colored ribbon attached. The favourite colour of that person. In there go the dirty socks, two by two! And normally, not on a gag or something like that!

(this is where the experiment failed already with my family, I guess)

A full bag goes in the washing machine, but when they go in the dryer I’ll get them out of the bag, and clean and dry the socks go back to their owner. Who is responsible for getting them out of the bag, fold them, and put into the closet. So the laundry bag can be filled with dirty socks again. In case of powerlessness , I can fold the socks and than put them in de bag, so the owner can put them away.

(especially teenagers, toddlers,  adolescents and young- and old grown-up’s are very often ‘powerless’ )

It sounds like a solid plan, but believe me, there a many steps along the way that can go wrong….

Socks end up alone or on wads in the bag, the whole bag disappears mysteriously, or the ribbon disappears in the great big nothing … .. sigh …

In case some sock couples still lose each other, and do not end up in the bag at the same time, I have made a shelter basket, where they can wait for their other half, until they can be reunited.

I started idyllically on a nice line at the door, with this cute sign above it ..  but after a few washes the line was already overflowing, many couples were never joined again, and the idyll faded…

Nevertheless, I’m going to battle the upcoming period, and maybe next time, with these two methods, who knows I might win this time?!!
