We want to Inspire you!

And we do that through our posts

We want to share clever ideas, tips and links with you. We use our posts and blogs for that. If you have anything you want to share with us, please do! Maybe we’ll put it on our website.

Tout Petits Courier January 2019 Edition

Ok. So we are making all kinds of things for our mouse-houses. And this is just another one. A real mouse-newspaper. For when the mice are done working and just want to relax. Or when grandpa-mouse is sitting behind the fireplace. Or when mom & dad mouse have breakfast.


Alright, here come the handy, creative ideas I found over the years. Maybe they can be of use to you?!! Every family member, the small ones together, gets a firm laundry bag, with a colored ribbon attached. The favourite colour of that person. In there go the dirty socks, two by two! And normally, not on a gag or something like that!....

  • Photo and craft folder of the school year

Photo and craft folder of the school year

You know it, the endless stream of drawings and crafts that come home with your kid from school & more…. Very nice! At first you melt away, hang them everywhere, and save them lovingly in a box. They also make a perfect gift for family and friends! But the

Tout Petits On Social Media

Crowdfunding Ideas 

Wouldn’t you like to have it?

We all come up with brilliant idea’s once so every often. And sometimes we want to share it with others. Or how nice would it be if it could be made!

That’s what we want to try here. Ideas, carefully thought through and prepared for production. But we need to know if YOU like it, or we need you to help and fund it. That’s what we want here.

So check our Crowdfunding Idea’s regularly, or subscribe our newsletter for something brilliant to come along that you want, or help fund!